25 September 2017
Treatment and recovery of waste
25 September 2017
Treatment and recovery of waste
CNIM will participate in the ISWA World Congress from 25-28 September 2017 in Baltimore (USA) during which a thousand participants are expected from across the world. For the first time, this congress is held jointly with WASTECON organized by SWANA (Solid Waste Association of North America).
On this occasion, Didier Fontaine, Chairman of CNIM US Corp, will speak on the topic Keeping the Lights On: WtE Facility Life Extension Lessons Learned.
On 27 September, Christophe Cord’homme, Development Director at CNIM Environment & Energy, is invited by the WTERT (Waste to Energy Research and Technology Council), an international consortium of universities, companies and government organizations founded and hosted by the University of Columbia (New York - USA) to take part in the Energy Recovery session. He will speak on the topic Closing Landfills using “Materials/Energy from Waste” Solutions.
Christophe Cord’homme will also moderate one of the other sessions of the congress.
One West Pratt Street
MD 21201 Baltimore