7 December 2011
Four Babcock Wanson superheated water high efficiency
and low emissions boilers for the EDF power plant in Vazzio (Corsica)
This project involves the replacement of four superheated auxiliary boilers of the 2.7 MWth Vazzio power plant by four boilers with same capacity burning the same fuels, mainly fuel oil and process and, in addition, heavy fuel oil KLSD but also complying with the new much more stringent environmental constraints. This contract was won through a temporary company grouping (GME) created between Babcock Wanson and CORETEC.
The Vazzio power plant is located on the seafront in the bay of Ajaccio (South Corsica). The auxiliary boiler room is located between the engine room and the cliff
Among the key factors of this major success we highlight the following strengths :
Babcock Wanson brings its expertise to EDF as a designer and manufacturer of boiler houses (shell and burners) including a new range of burners improving efficiencies, reducing costs and decreasing the emissions (dust and NOx).
CORETEC provides its expertise and knowledge in turnkey and is a specialist in the installation of industrial fluids production, particularly in the use of overheated water (risk management and regulatory compliances PID).