18 November 2019
Bertin Energie Environnement et Carbone 4 invite you to the Webinar "Is the maritime industry sailing towards decarbonization? "on Thursday, November 28th from 4pm to 5pm.
Stéphane Amant (senior manager at Carbone 4), Clément Ramos (manager at Carbone 4) and Jean-Pierre Husson (senior consultant at Bertin Energie Environnement) will discuss the challenges related to the decarbonization of the maritime sector:
What is the current situation?
Will technological levers make it possible to make the low-carbon transition on the right scale?
What is the link between the fight against climate change and the fight against local air pollution?
Carbone 4 is a consulting firm specialising in low-carbon strategy and adaptation to climate change.
Bertin Energie Environnement, CNIM Group, has been supporting its customers for more than 60 years towards technological excellence and environmental exemplarity.
(This webinar will be in conducted English)